- Negotiations. - Drafting of real estate agreements. - Drafting and registration of notarial deeds. - Drafting and registration of Title for residential, commercial, institutional and industrial property. - Due diligence. - Conveyancing. - Property management.
- Advisory. - Formation and registration of companies. - Mergers and acquisitions. - Drafting contracts. - Judicial management and liquidation of companies. - Dispute resolution. - Commercial arbitration. - Commercial and general litigation. - Debt restructuring - Investment.
- Advisory. - Preparation of employment contracts. - Drafting codes of conduct. - Disciplinary procedures. - Labour and trade union disputes. - Conciliation and arbitration. - Termination and retrenchment procedures. - Corporate governance and fair labour practice.
- Investments advisory. - Securities registration. - Banking Law. - Real estate financing. - Asset financing. - Corporate lending. - Liquidation. - Exchange control regulations. - Preparation of legal documentation.
- Advisory - Due diligence. - Copyright and ownership. - Registration of trademarks and patents. - Mining rights. - Mining investments. - Legal representation to protect intellectual property rights.
- Estate administration. - Estate planning. - Advisory services. - Drafting of Wills. - Drafting and registration of Trusts.
- Contested and uncontested divorce. - Spousal support. - Maintenance and access. - Custody. - Guardianship of minors.
- Representation upon arrest. - Bail applications. - Trial representations. - Watch in brief. - Appeals to superior courts.
Quisque nec iaculis nibh suspendisse the tempus orci enim maximus quis.
Quisque nec iaculis nibh suspendisse the tempus orci enim maximus quis. Duis ve ante the lemon the drana vivense.
Vivense nec iaculis nibh suspendisse the tempus orci enim maximus quis. Duis ve ante the lemon the drana quisque.
Quisque nec iaculis nibh suspendisse the tempus orci enim maximus quis. Duis ve ante the lemon the drana vivense.